Category Archives: personal

15 lbs down!

So, aftimageer a few weeks of stalling on the weight loss despite no major changes on how I ate, something happened and I started losing again which resulted in reaching my 3rd goal of 15lb. lost. Woohoo! Clothes is noticeably looser too.

Tomorrow though, I leave for my 1st trip/vacation since we started eating paleo and my first week away from home-cooked meals. For the next six days, meals we have to be eaten at restaurants, in Vegas much less. It is a much needed vacation and I will be having a cocktail or two but I hope to not go too crazy and will work to pick the best entrees possible – I’m thinking steaks and seafood. Hopefully walking around more than usual will help too. The first couple of days will actually be for a work conference so it should be interesting to see what they will offer for lunch. I may have to give in and have a sandwich if that is my only option.

Wish me lunch and I’ll check back in when we get back and share how things go!


2nd Goal Met! 10 lbs down…

image Yay! I met my 2nd goal with this morning’s official weekly weigh-in – I’m down 10.6 lbs! The transition from Whole30 to Paleo has been good. I’m still avoiding dairy in most forms but I have allowed for cheese as garnish on some dishes (like real grated Parmesan or queso fresco). I’ve reintroduced my almond milk using it as my “creamer” in my coffee. Also made my 1st paleo baked good – these lemon blueberry muffins* to be exact – since we can now have honey in moderation. Hope I can keep taking off a pound a week!

* Sherry gave me a tip and said that paleo baked goods tend to stick to the paper muffin baking cups and to try using silicone ones. I bought these and they worked great! I love the colors too!


Last week of Whole30!

Sorry this post is a week late but we have made it through our first Whole30!

Here are my observations on the final week:

  • I felt my pants were looser but I did not realize I had lost 9 lbs! I am officially back under 200 again and hit my 1st goal. It’s been a couple of years I think since I had been under that threshold. I seemed to have been holding steady between 206 & 208 for a long while.
  • I now actually like apples & almond butter.
  • Still missing a few items but I’m resisting temptations pretty well… even when you shoot a toddler’s birthday portraits with Krsipy Kreme donuts instead of cake. They looked so delicious but I was good!

Week 4 Meals:

  • leftover Whole30 Shepherd’s Pie (from their book) – used sweet mini peppers instead of carrots, added some Penzey’s Fox Point seasoning
  • Grilled chicken breast with various veggies (had this several times)
  • InstaPot Mole Pulled Pork (pork shoulder) with homemade chili sauce, sauteed mushrooms and sweet fried plantain slices
  • Bacon-wrapped scallops with baked Brussels sprouts (also with bacon)
  • Sous-vide beef filet with fried plantains
  • Paleo Swedish Meatballs (ground beef & turkey) & Cauliflower Couscous (added some celery)

Eating Out:

  • Fajita Willies beef fajitas & gaucamole (skip the tortillas)
  • Fuddruckers beef patty & hot dog with shredded lettuce (working lunch
  • Luby’s Blackened Tilapia with green beans and zucchini/summer squash mix
  • Skewers gyro meat with side salad and grilled veggies
  • Logan’s Roadhouse Chopped Steak, grilled mushroom skewer & house salad with balsamic vinaigrette


  • raspberries, grapes
  • apples with almond butter
  • mixed salted nuts (no peanuts of course)
  • boiled eggs
  • Larabar lemon bar
  • Bare Apple Chips

Support & Challenges

So we’ve got a couple of more days left of the Whole30 and it hasn’t been that hard per se but that has been because my husband is also doing this with me and between the two of us, we have a great partnership. I like to research, pin recipes, create the weekly menu and make the grocery list. I don’t like to cook though, nor does it come natural to me at all. That is where my husband comes in. He is a great cook and he has been making the recipes I select especially delicious with his kitchen skills. I do try to help as I can without being too much of a bother. Just call me his sous chef, LOL.

I also appreciate the support from my friends at work and my friends on Facebook and of course, in real life. As I mention the diet to people, I actually find out that several friends have tried it, are doing it or are (more often) doing a modified version of paleo. I am especially grateful for Sherry & EJ who patiently answer our questions and give us their own tips that they’ve learned along their paleo journey. We get to try Sherry’s delicious paleo meals and in turn share ones we like during our weekly get-togethers.

My challenges have been minor but I wanted to put them out to paint a realistic picture of *my* particular journey… these are in no particular order. Just my random thoughts.

  • Whole30 (and Paleo) drink options are really limited. Sparkling water with fruit “essences” is not as good as fruit juice. And unsweet tea is getting easier to drink but I’ll never enthusiastically love it (I didn’t even really like it when I could add sweetener). I’m getting used to black coffee but do miss cafe mochas. Unfortunately, drinks with any flavor mean that they have sugar. So yea, not thrilled about my drink options but I’ll live. I may try mixing some pure OJ with some sparkling water as a treat occasionally since no sugar added pure fruit juice isn’t technically against the rule, just should be avoided on a regular basis. I may also try adding almond milk to my coffee and see how coconut sugar works in some drinks. Again, not trying to get back to sweetening everything since that defeats the purpose but may try every now & them.
  • I miss freshening my breath with gum or a mint. I bought a paleo compliant breath spray that EJ told me about and EJ & Sherry even found me paleo compliant mints (no sugar, no artificial sweeteners added) to try. We’ll see how those taste.
  • I miss eating popcorn at the movies.
  • Energy levels have not changed but that’s OK. I know I need to go to bed earlier to help on that front.
  • Hunger levels vary. My snacking habit has been harder to break than the sugar habit. Just because nuts and fruit are OK does not mean I can have them whenever I want, especially since I am trying to lose weight.
  • The 2nd half of Whole30 we backed off all the meal planning. Cooking elaborate recipes every night was just not sustainable for us. We got lazy this last week too and just started to cook simpler meals from what we had in the freezer and fridge. We were still able to stay compliant because we still are going to the grocery store each week and stocking compliant items and fresh meats and veggies but leftovers weren’t as yummy. We also need to work on making better sides. In the future I need to find a better balance of recipes and we need to work on actual meal prep on Sunday to help with the week-day cooking.
  • There have been a few leftover lunches that I have not been thrilled about. and couldn’t even finish. Times like that is when I get a bit frustrated that I can’t easily go grab something better.
  • Pants are finally feeling looser. I don’t expect much weight loss but I am hoping for 5 lbs. at least. Wish me luck!

I’ll post a wrap up Thursday morning with final Whole30 thoughts so till then…

Week 2 of Whole30

Kenny and I are halfway done with our Whole30!

Here are my observations this week:

  • The headaches came back at the beginning of the week.Ugh. Not sure why they came back! I got rid of one pretty quickly though when I had a cup of black coffee. Huh. I am not a daily coffee drinker but I guess I was missing the caffeine anyway?
  • Some recipes have been hit or miss. I also came to the realization that I need to pick a couple of easy recipes. We have good intentions but cooking recipes that a) needs more than 10 minutes of prep (in regards to chopping, browning, etc) or have multiple steps/multiple pans are hard to do every day of the work week.
  • And about those recipes – not all have made enough food for lunch leftovers so I ate out more than I had planned to this past week.
  • Still struggling with snacking – I am relying too much on fruit. Found some compliant nut mixes for next week.
  • Will also work on eating out less and backing off potatoes.
  • Clothes still fit about the same, maybe a tad looser?

Week 2 Meals:

  • Stuffed Bell Peppers (we used veal instead of beef) with home-made fried plantain chips
  • Skillet Balsamic Garlic Chicken with oven roasted broccoli & cauliflower
  • leftover roasted chicken with oven roasted sweet potatoes and asparagus
  • Slow Cooked Butternut Squash & Pumpkin Beef Stew
  • Broiled Tilapia with Balsamic Carrots & steamed broccoli
  • Grilled Steak with Mushrooms & Red Onions cooked in Coconut Aminos Garlic Sauce, garlic & ghee
  • Sausage & Fried Eggs

Eating Out:


  • bananas, cherries, blackberries, grapes, apples, pineapple
  • cashews
  • Bare Apple Chips
  • Sweet & Salty Bacon Egg Muffins

Trying out Pilates

I hate exercise. I am jealous of those who enjoy it or at the very least, feel invigorated after a workout or any physical activity. I feel the opposite. I feel drained and usually hungrier than ever! Still, I know it’s a necessary evil. Every study out there shows we must remain active to stay healthy as we get older.

In the past I’ve tried various things – more recently bike riding (often too hot or too rainy to ride) and Zumba (I have become too uncoordinated and the routines were complicated, I was getting flustered).  We have a treadmill in our bedroom and I have also gotten on it and walked a few miles while watching TV. But, I never stuck with anything and I know I needed to do something. I tried to do a small workout on the machines at the gym (with some guidance from a friend who is a personal trainer)  but the gym experience was not for me. People hog the machines I needed and I was just not comfortable.

Over the years I had read about Pilates and was interested in the concept – it seemed up my alley. It is low-impact with a focus on core strength and balance and flexibility. The gym I had a membership to though does not offer it and the friend who helped me above, who is a certified Pilates instructor, was way too far of a drive for me. I put the thought aside… until I went to lunch with a friend recently and he mentioned that he had taken some Pilates classes just down the street from my home and office. I called, met the instructor, liked what she had to offer and have signed up for classes twice a week. Her gym is what I was looking for – it is small and intimate with only six machines (they are called Reformers, you can see the pic below). The small class size lets the instructor personalize the workout for each person. While we may all be doing the same exercise, we are doing it at different spring tensions, with or without a box on the machine, each doing the number of reps appropriate for our level.


I am not doing it for weight loss (that is what the change in diet is for) but rather to try to build some strength again. I know I will need to get some cardio in at some point but I’m not worrying about that just quite yet. Maybe when I am ready I will get back to the treadmill or convince my husband to join me at the gym for some laps in the pool.

I have been to five classes and I do find myself slightly sore but never so sore that I am pain the next day. And the hour class seems to go by quickly. I usually am looking at the clock every ten minutes during any other type of exercise but in Pilates I may only glance at it once. I am glad I found this place less than 2 miles from my home and from my office so I have no excuse since it is literally on my way home from work!

I’ll keep you posted on my progress!






Article: Succeed at Changing your Diet

As my introductory post said, I’ve tried dieting using Weight Watchers a few times now and each time I did lose 20 lbs… all to regain it again. So why did I fail?

Well, I think this article provides some insight:

How to Succeed at Changing your Diet When You’ve Failed Before

This quote at the beginning really speaks to me:

You didn’t fail a diet. The diet failed you. Yes, you can change yourself to be a healthier eater, but you can also change your diet to be a better fit for your own personality and eating style. Successful diet change isn’t about white-knuckling through a miserable life on willpower alone; it’s about learning from your past failures to make a reasonable plan that doesn’t require any white-knuckling in the first place!

The article goes on to mention that you we should not use willpower, or lack of it, as an excuse. On that same note, we should also let the past go and make change moving forward.

I’ll leave this final thought…




Starting Whole30, Starting a New Path

I’m back – after several weight loss journeys I am back up to my top weight. Technically a couple of pounds over but still around the same weight. My last two “diets” were based on the Weight Watchers program so I thought I’d do something different this time. Tracking – for me – is just not sustainable. I need a change in my eating patterns, not counting everything I eat day after day.

Our best friends, Sherry & EJ, started down the paleo path last fall and wow, they are our inspiration! EJ alone has lost almost 100 lbs in less than a year, solely on diet. And Sherry is down 4 dress sizes! We have dinner with them almost every week and have experienced some delicious paleo recipes. Between the great food and the undeniable results, it wasn’t hard to convince us that this was something we wanted to try.

So, today my husband and I are starting Whole30 (basically paleo with a few additional restrictions for 30 days with a focus on removing all sugars from your diet). In preparation for going paleo I cleaned out our pantry and got rid of non-compliant items (OK, there is still one shelf of non-paleo down at the bottom). I’ve been subscribing to various paleo website newsletters and this weekend I planned a menu for the week. Check out some of the paleo recipes I’ve been pinning.

We then spent all day Sunday shopping! We bought new lunch boxes and containers and then hit a few grocery stores to buy recipe ingredients and some paleo compliant pantry staples, some we didn’t even know existed (like arrowroot root powder and coconut aminos). This was a nice checklist I used for guidance.

You know what was eye opening as we read labels? How sugar is in *everything* (chicken broth, sausage, soups, mayo, everything). But if you look hard enough, you can find a sugar-free version. Which begs the question, if there is one sugar-free version, why aren’t there more?

Yesterday we (well, my husband) cooked one of the recipes I picked and we packed our lunches for the workday. We also finished throwing out more non-compliant items, this time from our fridge. I thought it would be harder (OK, it was hard to see food wasted) but in reality, some of the stuff we threw away was old and out of date. Also, the fridge and pantry look so nice and the fridge has so much  more room when you get rid of all the bottled stuff. We cleared out a whole shelf and two of the door shelves. It actually feels very liberating. I am both anxious and excited to start down the paleo journey…

And I’ll be here, once again, jotting down my thoughts. I hope you’ll join me!




